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Stage 7 - Continuos Improvement

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. - Winston Churchill


Gather feedback from all available internal & external sources.

Potential sources:

  • Feedback form
  • QA recommendations
  • self-reflection after training
  • Survey
  • Direct mail contact
  • Other means of communication


Analyse the gathered information in a structured way.

Create a list of potential improvements with impact level (high, moderate, low).


Select items from the list that will be part of a new version.

Choose items that make sense to be in the same new release.


Start a new cycle of the FAIR-by-Design methodology that will implement the selected items.

After the Verify stage, you will reenter continuous improvement with newly gathered information....

Start an in-depth training on the Continuous Improvement stage.... FAIR-by-Design Methodology: Continuous Improvement stage....