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This template can also be found on Zenodo as Template for a Minimum Viable Skillset.

Minimum Viable Skills for Role name

This is the title of the MVS and includes a 2-5 word role name, that performs activities aiming for Open Science outcomes that are within the overall mission described in the Horizon Europe Guidelines or the UNESCO Recommendation for Open Science, or similar national or regional-level policy.


50 words or less: statement describing the role’s responsibilities for carrying out activities that aim for an OS outcome on behalf of an organisation e.g. Competence Centre, Research Infrastructure, Research Performing Organisation. This statement is also an abstract for the MVS.

OS Activities

3-9 activities each described in around 10-20 words:

  • Each describes an activity involved in delivering the overall mission for the role. The description should implicitly or explicitly relate to the competences a learner would need to have to perform the activity, i.e. it should be consistent with the skills listed below.

OS Outcomes

1-6 outcomes each described in around 10-20 words:

  • Describes what the role contributes to, e.g. the kind of OS capability, output or objective met by carrying out the OS activities.

Essential Skills and Competences

Around 10 statements of 10-20 words, using sub-headings for technical skills and competences, and soft/ transversal skills. Statements should be each have up to 5 Open Science Skills terms selected from the list available, to summarise the learning outcomes needed for a learner to become competent in the role.

Technical skills and competences

  • Write draft statements informed by the reference sources, e.g. relevant competence frameworks, skills reports, or by adapting an existing MVS for a related role.
  • ‘Technical’ includes domain-related as well as technology-related actions involved in performing OS activities to meet OS outcomes.
  • Statements should be worded as actions using active verbs, e.g. from Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • List under each statement a few terms (max 5) from the Open Science Skills Terms – ideally one or two from ESCO research competences, and one or two from either terms4FAIRskills or the glossary from CSCCE (Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement).
  • Link each term to its published description, using the relevant URI.
  • Refer to the term descriptions to check they are relevant to the draft statement. If the draft statements include similar wording revise them to match the term descriptions more closely. Consider adding to the statement using words from the definition if they clearly relate to the role’s OS activities or outcomes.

Soft/ transversal skills

  • These are personal attributes or aptitudes required for interpersonal, communication, or leadership dimensions of an OS activity, and which are improved with practice.
  • Select terms as above but referring to the list of ESCO transversal terms.

Link to any other MVS that this MVS is based on (from those in Skills4EOSC D2.1)

Reference sources

Publicly accessible sources that have informed the MVS by describing the role, its OS mission, activities, or skills required.

  • Author list, version date, licence (CC-BY)