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Educational resources that aim to upskill relevant stakeholders on the topics related to OS and EOSC should follow the same principles that they promote, i.e. should be FAIR themselves. By incorporating the FAIR principles into the learning materials, the training and skills EOSC pillar can be implemented in a sustainable manner ensuring a strong, collaborative training community that can offer high-quality up-to-date learning materials.

To help achieve this goal, this deliverable has defined a formal methodology for developing FAIR-by-design learning materials by extending the well-adopted backwards instructional design process. Using the outlined steps in each of the process stages, one can make FAIR-aware decisions related to the reuse of existing materials, combining licensing, defining attribution, working with various tools and file formats, and making the final product available for both the target audience and the related community of instructors.

This initial version of the FAIR-by-design methodology has already gone through a public consultation process and will continue to be promoted within the Skills4EOSC training community as well as to the wider EOSC community of trainers. The training materials that are being developed to train the community on how to practically implement the methodology 1 will be devised using the proposed FAIR-by-design methodology itself, thus essentially showcasing the implementation of the proposed steps, recommendations and guidelines. This activity combined with the discussions and feedback gathered from other relevant stakeholders while promoting the methodology will be used as valuable feedback to further improve the methodology and its effective practical implementation. Thus, the proposed methodology will be transformed into a live guidelines document that will be continuously improved through the project lifetime.

  1. FAIR-by-Design-Methodology Training of Trainers GitHub repo. URL: (visited on 2023-08-07).